SPAK Seizes Ajola Xoxa’s Phone, Conducts Searches at Veliaj’s Home and Tirana Municipality
Following an order from SPAK prosecutor Ols Dado, agents from the National Bureau of Investigation (BKH) conducted searches not only at the residence of Tirana’s Mayor, Erion Veliaj, but also at several other locations linked to the case.
BKH agents visited the Tirana Municipality to carry out inspections, although it remains unclear if the search proceeded. Reportedly, Veliaj’s presence is required for the search to take place, but he is currently abroad in Hamburg, Germany.
Agents also raided the offices of the ‘Harabel’ art gallery located in the former Block area of Tirana. During the search, documents and materials related to ongoing investigations into Veliaj’s wealth and his family’s assets were seized.
‘Harabel’ has been the subject of numerous allegations involving money laundering activities.
According to official records, Ajola Xoxa, Veliaj’s wife, is listed as the founder, owner, and employee of two art galleries (GURGUR and NAAN), as well as the co-founder and artistic director of the Harabel art platform and the General Director of the Tirana Contemporary Dance Festival.
Interestingly, Xoxa’s legal practice, Studio e Partnerëve, has now slipped to the bottom of her professional list, with no clear indication of whether the firm is still operational.
A Controversial Shift in Career
Two months after Erion Veliaj signed off on the Tirana incinerator project, Xoxa shifted her professional focus. Funds for art installations and exhibitions at Harabel were reportedly provided by Integrated Energy – the same company involved in the incinerator project.
Free Commercial Space
Another detail that has emerged is that Harabel occupies a prime location on Ibrahim Rugova Street in the former Block area, without paying rent or any form of financial contribution.
Public comments reveal that the gallery occupies private property without compensating the owner or paying rent. Xoxa has openly admitted that no financial obligations are attached to the space used for Harabel.
This development adds another layer to the growing controversy surrounding Veliaj and his family’s business dealings, as investigations continue to uncover financial irregularities.